Epic Google Plussing – The Best Guides, Strategies & Tools

There are a tonne of resources out there for G+. This is a list of only the best.
Beginner guides
These beginner guides generally outline first timer tasks such as the importance of keeping an up to date profile, basic interactions, Google plus circles management and circle sharing, the use of hashtags and use of hangouts etc
1. http://www.google.com/+/learnmore/getstarted/guide.html
2. http://www.scottbuehler.com/social-media/beginners-guide-google-plus/
Unique points here: Controlling your homepage google plus feed and some tips for drilling down content via hashtags
3. http://mashable.com/2013/10/27/google-plus-beginners-guide/
Mashable has a lot of visuals in their guide, making it a pleasant read, however it is just a nice overview of G+.
A great actionable post for getting initial traction.
5. http://www.socialnotz.com/google-plus-the-definitive-getting-started-guide/
This guide is a little old but makes some interesting points as to why google plus is a good strategic move with Google.
6. http://www.plusmastermind.com/googleplus/introduction/
This site is owned by Scott Buehler, a G+ mad man (one of his posts above). He outlines some great tips including post formatting (markdown) and muting people. Scott has a paid offering called the “G+ Mastermind Course”
7. http://www.blogtyrant.com/google-plus-tips/
Some common sense tips including when to use private browsing in G+, monitoring your brand, and getting help with your G+ efforts
Advanced guides
1. http://www.martinshervington.com/google-plus-posts-the-ultimate-guide/
Martin Shervington is an G+ god. He has over 464,000 followers!! He has some great points about the nuances of notifications, G+ SEO including keywords, plugins for wordpress, chrome extentions he personally uses, investigating Google Plus ripples, and some astute comments on +1’s Vs reshares and what that means (plus lots more).
Intro to G+ by Martin Shervington
2. http://moz.com/blog/using-google-plus-ripples-to-connect-with-influencers/
A great post on leveraging ripples to track down influencers.
3. http://gplusgeek.com/google-plus-circle-management-notification-flow/
Advanced circle management post that enables your engagers to float to the top. Very powerful!
Google Plus and blogging
1. http://searchengineland.com/the-definitive-guide-to-google-authorship-markup-123218
Implementing Authorship on your site: why you should do it, how it works and how to do it.
A cool app for modifying the css/look of your G+ widget for your websites sidebar.
3. https://wordpress.org/plugins/new-google-plus-badge-widget/screenshots/
The best wordpress plugin for your G+ profile on your website.
Some cool tools to help you forge a great G+ post
1. http://www.circlecount.com/
The best way to find the most powerful people and topics on G+. It also has a massive set of free tools to analyse your own personal G+ account.
2. http://www.thepluseditor.com/
A text editor for Google plus that allows you to easily format your posts.
A super easy to use image editing tool. Great if you have your own images.
A new platform specifically designed for creating social media images with millions of images and options ready to go. Anything you create will be watermarked unless you pay for a subscription though.
Need more? Here are some great searches to continue your Journey
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